Improve your smile with composite bonding in Burgess Hill. Arrange your free consultation today!
We offer free consultations, helping you make sure composite bonding is right for you. We discuss your ideal smile and how we can help you achieve it with safe, fast and effective treatment. Your treatment is comprehensively planned to ensure the best results. This may include creating mock-ups on your teeth for you to see or models of your teeth to assess the changes required.
In one short appointment, we place the dental bonding material on your teeth. We prepare your tooth with a rough surface to allow the composite to bond effectively, and apply it in layers, gradually building up the desired shape and size.
We harden the composite material using a UV light, giving your tooth full function immediately. After a professional polish, the composite is beautifully natural looking, transforming your smile or blending seamlessly with your existing teeth if it has been used as a repair. Further appointments may be required to refine and polish your new look.
If you are looking for the best way to pay for your composite bonding, we can help. At Burgess Hill, we structure your payments over the course of your treatment, helping you budget for your new smile without the need to pay it in one lump sum.
Enhance your smile with composite bonding. Arrange your free consultation today.
Composite bonding, also known as cosmetic bonding, is a safe, fast, comfortable, and highly effective way to repair small areas of damage to your teeth or completely transform the appearance of your smile.
Composite bonding is very popular with patients looking to enhance their smiles in a non-invasive way. The white composite material is bonded to your existing teeth, giving subtle changes that make a huge difference to the way they look. We can match the colour of the composite to your natural teeth for a beautifully seamless blend, or use it in a new shade to achieve your desired results.
At Burgess Hill Dental, our dentists have exceptional skills and training in the latest techniques. We use the highest grade composite for this treatment to ensure you get the best results possible.
Get in touchComposite bonding treatment is extremely comfortable to carry out, allowing you to improve your smile without the worry that it will hurt. The treatment is non-invasive, and no drilling or removal of your natural tooth enamel is usually required. Everything takes place in one short and comfortable appointment.
The short answer is no! The white composite material is unable to be seen once it has been bonded, and just looks like part of your natural tooth. Other people will not be able to tell you have had composite bonding treatment.
Yes, composite bonding is very effective when used to repair damage and fix problems in your teeth. It can be used for misshapen teeth, to fill small gaps or spaces between teeth, to lighten darker teeth or to repair minor chips. We can also level out uneven smiles!
The cost of dental bonding depends on your individual case, and how many teeth we will be treating. It is certainly one of the most cost-effective cosmetic dental treatments available. At your initial consultation, your dentist will be able to give you an estimate of the costs involved with your treatment, including different ways to pay.
As composite material bonds to itself as well as to your tooth, it can be very easily repaired in a single appointment. Depending on your case, we may remove the existing dental bonding and completely replace it, but this only takes a short time.
It is very easy to look after your composite bonding. Simply treat your tooth just as you would your natural teeth, brushing and flossing regularly and visiting your dentist for regular check ups.
If you look after it properly, your composite bonding has the potential to last for many years without any problems. Your dentist will be able to keep an eye on your dental bonding at your regular check up appointments, and give you bespoke tips and advice for looking after it based on your lifestyle.
We’re here to help if you need us. Get in touch today - we’re looking forward to hearing from you!
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